From the soul to the PA system: mehro gives out an organic and simple, yet passionate performance at The Loft, Atlanta.

mehro 02/16/2023 at The Loft | Sam Chapa
Where others were performative and harsh, he was transparent and soft. With only his guitar and a tiny bass drum, mehro faced the spotlight of The Loft's stage on February 28th, 2022. Touring with Claire Rozinkranz, he is working hard on the promotion of his next album release Dark Corners and Alchemy, under Heroine Music Group LLC label.

mehro 02/16/2023 at The Loft | Sam Chapa
The night was kicked off by mehro's shy step onto the stage. He was introverted yet decisive, wearing his heart on his sleeve as the first track, of what would be a short setlist, was performed. I don't even think I can remember him introducing himself before starting to play, he only recalled to mention his name and the names of the songs already fifteen minutes in. This not necessarily as a bad thing. Mehro was so enveloped by his own sentiments, so focused on conveying feelings so overwhelmingly genuine, it would be easy fr anyone to forget their own name, the theatrics of it all. He made every person in the crowd lose sight of all worries, as this young man sang his soul out of his body.

mehro 02/16/2023 at The Loft | Sam Chapa
In between songs, the singer-songwriter would tell anecdotes, shared in a way that felt like whispers in a lonely kitchen, illuminated only by the oven lights. Every silent word spoken under the spotlight felt incredibly intimate and drew the audience in, some swooning, some reduced to tears, some completely hypnotized by the tender chords and reverberating bass drum. "This is a song about a girl that I used to know" he explained before playing one his songs, towards the middle of his set, "I went to this party where I knew she was going to be, and I saw her in the room, but she never saw me."

mehro 02/16/2023 at The Loft | Sam Chapa
Nowadays, artists seem to be trapped in a world of masks. Consumed in a bubble of appearances, where the amount of meaning behind their music seems to matter less than the amount of eyes you're able to attract in glittering performance. Mehro's takes an unbothered attitude towards fame and sparkles, instead putting all his attention on delivering a genuine sound. His transparency is one to admire, one with which people in the masses feel comfortably close with. Like sharing quiet sobs with a friend over the firelight.

mehro 02/16/2023 at The Loft | Sam Chapa
The artist did not miss a beat when it came to the promotion of his upcoming release Dark Corners and Alchemy, a twelve track album that already has some singles out, and that I have no doubt, will be as sincere and authentic as his performance at The Loft. Mehro will continue to spread his music in support of Claire Rosinkranz, the next tour dates are as follows:
02/25 Denver, CO -- Marquis Theatre
02/27 Salt Lake City, UT -- Soundwell
03/1 Portland, OR -- Hawthorne Theatre
03/03 Vancouver -- Fortune Sound Club
03/04 Seatle, WA -- Neumos
03/07 San Francisco, CA -- August Hall
03/10 Los Angeles, CA -- El Rey Theatre
03/11 Los Angeles, CA -- El Rey Theatre

mehro 02/16/2023 at The Loft | Sam Chapa